The Observer - a photo journal

Tables (Fisheye) | 2009-05-21 |

I have three hours to �kill� on Tuesdays between my two jobs. Instead of going straight from one job to the other job I�ve been making a stop at South Pasadena. It�s nice and quiet, and there are neat things to take pictures of. This is of a restaurant on Mission. I have no idea what kind of food they serve, but the tables looked neat to me. I think I have a thing for empty tables because I tend to take more than my share of pictures of empty tables. There must be some deep meaning to that, but who knows.

The work hours are getting to me a bit, but thankfully the weekend is near. Today at work I was told that I don�t say hi when I come into work. My manager said, �I guess it�s not your custom.� Not my custom? I�ve pretty much been told to not say a word, so why chance it by saying hi? I can�t win at that job.

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